Modern, Clinically-Relevant and Evidence-Based Training
David Ross and Florida Voice and Swallowing Diagnostics work closely with local and national Hospitals, Rehab Facilities, Universities and Private Practices in order to provide CEU and Non-CEU training modules and guest lectures. CEU trainings are held by Florida Voice and Swallowing Diagnostics or in conjunction with CEU Allied Health, an ASHA-backed CEU Provider. All courses include actual hands-on passes of the Endoscope and/or Stroboscope. You will also receive all hand-outs, training and lecture material. Please see below for our various offerings. Please contact us for more information!
2024 Upcoming Guest Lectures and Training Opportunities
1. August 1-2, 2020: Tampa, FL - Hands-on Training: “FEES/Endoscopy for Swallowing Disorders” *With Dr. Eric Blicker/CEU Customer Care (ASHA CEU Provider)*
2. August 12-14, 2020: Buenos Airies, Argentina - Hands-On Training: "FEES/Endoscopy and Diagnostic Imaging for Swallowing Disorders" *Charity Course for Curadis*
3.September 15-17, 2020: Lisbon, Portugal - Hands-On Training: "FEES/Endoscopy and Diagnostic Imaging for Swallowing Disorders for SLPs and ENTs: A Multicultural Approach"
4.September 17-19, 2020: Porto, Portugal - Hands-On Training: "FEES/Endoscopy and Diagnostic Imaging for Swallowing Disorders: Focus on COPD and Neurocognition"
5.November 25, 2020: Colombo, Sri Lanka - Hands-On Training: "FEES/Endoscopy and Diagnostic Imaging for Swallowing Disorders for SLPs and ENTs"
CEU Training [FEES and Videostroboscopy]
We offer both public and private 2-day hands-on FEES/Endoscopy (or Videostroboscopy) training opportunities, as well as courses that are custom made for your needs and length of time. Our full 2-day hands-on FEES/Endoscopy (or Videostroboscopy) courses are typically held on a Saturday and Sunday, and run from about 8:00am through 4:00pm. Light snacks, writing notebooks, pens and jump drives with the PowerPoint/.PDF files will be provided, with all lunch provided on your own. The first day is a typical overview of anatomy and physiology for swallowing/speaking, an overview of the scope, case studies, current evidence/research, diagnostic and therapeutic uses of the scopes, the typical flow of the Swallow (or Voice) study, normal interpretations, abnormal interpretations, typical patient findings, non-typical patient findings, current issues, etc. The second day is hands-on with scope, as all attendees will have multiple chances to pass the scope on head models and each other. Often we have local Speech-Language Pathology graduate students offer their noses for our attendees to practice on as well! Pre- and Post-tests will all be sent to ASHA for CEU verification for you or your clinicians.
Guest lectures, presentations and speaking invitations
We are more than happy to customize any module to suit the needs of your facility. David Ross has been a CF supervisor for many Speech-Language Pathology graduates and greatly enjoys working with Universities and Graduate Students in the field. Florida Voice and Swallowing Diagnostics has been invited to speak at a number of Facilities, Hospitals and Universities locally, nationally and outside of the United States. He has presented on a number of topics related to: Swallowing Disorders, Voice Disorders, Appropriate Use of Diagnostic Imaging in Voice and Swallowing Disorders, Ethics/Supervision/Counseling/Multi-cultural Issues in Speech-Language Pathology, Clients with Gender Dysphoria, Neurogenic Language Disorders and Accent Modification. Please feel free to contact us to schedule a guest lecture or presentation on any of these topics, or a certain customized topic in Medical Speech-Language Pathology!
image courtesy of
For Clinical fellows (CF) and graduate students
We love working with and supervising Clinical Fellows and Graduate Students! David Ross has been a Clinical Supervisor for the past 4 years for both medical- and school-based Clinical Fellows. We are only able to work with a few Clinical Fellows each year, so please feel free to touch base with us if you are looking for a Clinical Supervisor! We are also happy to help mentor or support you in any way, even if we are not your official Clinical Supervisor (references from previous Clinical Fellows are available upon request).